Monday, March 14, 2011

the dandy & the photo that got away

the other day, i came walking up my drive just as this young fellow came swaggering down the middle street, massive coy grin across his face, crunching occasionally on a bright red apple. i can only describe him as ... a dandy. but everything about the look, the strut, the glasses, the apple... it was a thing of beauty. i should have called out "yoohoo! can i take your picture" and ran up to get my camera. but who does that sort of thing? this is the photo i would have taken: the Dandy on Princess Ave.

cheery/cherry blossoms

bonjour cheris,

cheerful cherry blossoms are blooming up and down my street now. i love this time of year when Princess explodes, all cerise and lace for blocks. the pinks looking particularly smart against west coast grey skies (you know the kind, the kind with the prefect mix of vague blurry mist clouds and sharply defined fluffy light grey ones floating above with sharply contrasted forebodingly dark grey bottoms). however i must admit that pink and blue are a favourite colour combo of mine as well... so looking forward to clear skies {fingers crossed}.

not trusting the aggressive weather to leave the delicate beauties alone, i have cut down some branches to bring home, reaching ikebana-style across my kitchen table (grey like today's sky) and bursting forth from my fireplace. so even though it sure doesn't feel like Spring out-side, it's looking a little more like it in-.