Friday, July 30, 2010

house of dreams

in love with about a half dozen of these patterned fabrics by merrimeiko

some house redecorating fantasizing definitely going on right now...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

long weekending!

and finally the weekend! but now just any weekend - a looong weekend. especially for me as i am finally taking some previously over-worked hours off. so i am free friday through to monday.

pure bliss!

... and thus balloons!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

hawk update:

it's a family of FOUR hawks! i sat outside long enough this evening to see all of them. it MUST be a couple of juveniles making all the noise as it's the two bigger parents that sit looking on and following them around as they roughhouse aerially. and it must be one of the juveniles that likes peeking in my windows -- though i hope he grows out of that because it could get him in trouble.

they're all so pretty -- it was so cute, three of them were hanging out together on the telephone wire earlier... what's less cute is the partial carcasses they keep leaving under the trees. gross guys, come on.

Monday, July 26, 2010

to whom this may concern #2

dear long-in-the-tooth cilantro,

i apologize for neglecting you and thus causing you to bolt before either of us were ready.

i realize that it was partly the heat's fault,

on the bright side, you have quite adorable little blossoms,

...and i know your seeds will be delicious in future sauces.

yours truly,


to whom this may concern #1

dear rainbow spotted dress,

thank you so much for your patterning so exuberant it actually hides how wrinkly you actually are,

... and thus also hiding my laziness towards ironing.

you're a pal,



when you see a cyclist, climbing a hill, geared all the way down, so that they are pedaling and pedaling, but barely moving

don't you just want to call out to them "you can do it!" or "keep it up! you're doing great!" or simply "you're gonna make it!"

i know i would appreciate it -- when i am that cyclist.

but I guess I'm just not a yell-sweet-somethings-at-random-strangers kind of gal.

(btw congrats ryder hesjedal!)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

my nosy/noisy neighbour

... check out who i found peering in my kitchen window just now:

we have a pair of cooper's hawks (successfully identified only a few months ago careof Shipley's) that nest yearly in the trees in our front yard, facing the park. good mouse hunting i reckon. well, recently i have noticed an awful lot of noisy bird calls -- so i figured new baby. but i had noticed this guy flying around and around -- maybe just a noisy parent? and then the other day when i went outside somebody in the street pointed out that this guy was sitting on another windowsill. considering i have no screens on my windows i was a little concerned that i would come home to a hawk visitor waiting for me in my living room.

this guy must really love the view from the sills though, because i found it peering in my kitchen window at me today. what a piercing look it gave me... and it was pretty cool to be able to get so close to it to check out it's lovely feathers. i guess because of the sunlight mirroring off the window it couldn't really see me until i got quite close.

so is this really still one of my familiar cooper's hawks? help me identify... and what would make it suddenly start behaving differently?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

finally the warm!

this is what i live for: long warm lazy evenings, preferably spent on a picnic blanket, basking in the sun and enjoying delicious things with lovely ladies.

here's what you missed...

cinnamon honey roasted figs, with oranges and lime green ice tea,

sun hats,

and general indulgence