we have a pair of cooper's hawks (successfully identified only a few months ago careof Shipley's) that nest yearly in the trees in our front yard, facing the park. good mouse hunting i reckon. well, recently i have noticed an awful lot of noisy bird calls -- so i figured new baby. but i had noticed this guy flying around and around -- maybe just a noisy parent? and then the other day when i went outside somebody in the street pointed out that this guy was sitting on another windowsill. considering i have no screens on my windows i was a little concerned that i would come home to a hawk visitor waiting for me in my living room.
this guy must really love the view from the sills though, because i found it peering in my kitchen window at me today. what a piercing look it gave me... and it was pretty cool to be able to get so close to it to check out it's lovely feathers. i guess because of the sunlight mirroring off the window it couldn't really see me until i got quite close.
so is this really still one of my familiar cooper's hawks? help me identify... and what would make it suddenly start behaving differently?
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