happy new year! posting regularly has not been a 2010 trait, but we'll work on that, i make no promises as this blog aims be an outlet not an obligation.
mainly i'm just pleased that the year is complete. it was a rocky ride and certainly the hardest year of my life to date. looking back it feels like three years worth of events. but the year came to a close with a surprise encounter with almost unbearable joy, leaving me only excitement and anticipation for the great adventures that this new year has already promised. surely the greatest happiness's in life must always come as a surprise.
speaking of surprises, today's photo is of the hail that came tumbling down from sunny skies yesterday afternoon. unedited unfortunately... one of these days i will repair/re-hack my design suite.
resolutions, i rarely commit to formally, but if you'll recall i
already had a new year several months ago and my aim is only to continue those projects in self-improvement while holding closer those most important to me, and enjoying every moment of life & love as it is offered.