so what ever happened to etsy?
Sure the commission fees are higher at The Shop than on etsy, but I learned some important things by launching that virtual storefront. Mainly: nothing comes from nothing. Without the time and attention to dedicate to self-promotion my wares on etsy sat and sat until they eventually expired (and etsy took it's non-refundable posting fee and left my e-store empty). This foray into a physical storefront seems like a good stepping stone. The jewelry isn't doing me any good sitting in my closet. And the roving isn't going to felt itself. And so, RELAUNCH! Felted wares which have been garnering compliments across the country will now be available for sale next to the artisan wares of some of the best jewelry makers and ceramicists on the island. Pretty cool.
Stay tuned for more details... but you read it first on This Rough Magic.
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